Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1

Part of my journey includes healthy living outside of nutrition. Two of the goals I set for myself are getting to bed by ten o'clock to get 8 hours sleep and getting up early to do at least 20 minutes of yoga every morning.  Anxious about starting today, I went to bed at 11:30 and got up at 5:45. I get an "A" for effort, right?

Here's a look at my first day:

6:30 a.m. - 1 serving of Ionix Supreme (called Super Mommy Wonder Juice by those of the plan!), 16 oz. water

7:00 a.m. - 20 min. yoga

8:15 a.m. - IsaLean Shake in Chocolate (love it! not too sweet, smooth chocolate flavor), 1 Natural Accelerator capsule, vitamins

11:00 a.m - 1 Slim Cakes, 16 oz. water (yummy! Like a homemade blueberry cookie! Wanted to have this around 10:30 but I was a physical therapy late)

1:00 p.m. - IsaLean Shake in Vanilla (it's hard to give an actual review of this.  I blended it up with too much ice and when I went to thin it out the top of my water pitcher fell off and I ended up with an additional cup or so of water in the shake.  It was good, just very watered down due to my mistake. Tasted almost like eggnog to me but I'll let you know tomorrow when I mix it correctly!); 16 oz. water

3:30 p.m. - 2 Isagenix Snacks; 1 Natural Accelerator; 16 oz. water (it's hard to describe the snacks. They're chocolately wafers that you chew to help ward off cravings. I don't have anything to really compare them to. I liked them, though!)

7:00 p.m. - DINNER!! This is where I eat a clean meal of 400-600 calories. We had Chicken Pomodoro with Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta and some melon for dessert. I was famished! Waiting 3 1/2 hours for dinner was ridiculous (bad planning and a late baseball practice). Lesson: plan better tomorrow

Now, my energy was lagging all day. Not horrible, but not superwoman either. Actually, it was probably more like normal. However, I didn't get that much sleep (see above) and I cut out coffee cold-turkey. Probably not the *best* idea but lowering the pH in your body is reported to have health benefits. We'll see where my priorities lie with that one. Love me my coffee!!

I also had a headache all day. Before you say, "Aha! It's that stuff she's using." or "She's not eating enough!" I'd like to mention that I've had all-day headaches everyday for the last 5 weeks. So the headache today is either the norm, lack of sleep, or quitting coffee. Only time will tell.

All in all I would say I had a great first day. I was hungry at times, but not ravenous, and I really liked what I was putting into my body.  I'm not really going to judge until I have a full week under my belt and even then, I'm committed to this for a full 30 days. Anxious and curious to see how my run, swim and bike goes tomorrow while following the above schedule.



  1. Sue, congrats on the start to better health! Just a thought about the headaches....have you checked your blood pressure? I had the same problems and found out my BP was high....had to start meds, but no more headaches! Good luck! DJ

    1. Thanks, DJ! After one day on this program I finally had a headache-free day! Still, I haven't had my blood pressure checked since January so I'm going to make sure I do that just to rule it out.!


Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.