Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 6: Going strong

Day 6...but I digress. Let's go back to the end of Day 5.

If you recall I had a buffet to go to. And one that is notorious for serving less-than healthy fare. There really were no choices that I was thrilled about. Considering I put all that work into 2-days of cleansing, I certainly felt no guilt about being picky about my choices. I ended up with a chicken thigh (skin removed), 1/4 of a baked potato that had been dressed (unfortunately) with plenty of butter, a large portion of overcooked green beans and half my plate filled with iceberg lettuce "salad" and a dollop of bleu cheese dressing (the other choices were full-fat ranch and french so I figured I might as well enjoy the taste).  I gave my cake to my daughter and didn't miss eating it at all. Most importantly  I got to spend time with my beautiful 6-year-old and putting the focus on her instead of the food helped a lot!

When I got home I was bloated and the throbbing in my head I had experienced the past 5 weeks and had just gotten rid of? Back with a vengeance! Here's what I think is the cool part...I had 1/2 of an IsaLean Bar with 16 oz. of water 2 hours after the event and my quieted down and by bedtime my tummy was feeling much better.

Okay, today! Started off the day with a level 1-2 yoga class which was perfect for me. Healthy eating and yoga go together so well.  We learned headstand prep and I got to actually do a headstand (with some help). I haven't done a headstand since I was 12!  I followed yoga with a 5K run. This didn't go so well. I had an IsaLean shake with almonds before yoga and then 1/2 an IsaLean bar before running. I've been going to physical therapy for a while now to help with my legs (Shout out: Robbins PT in Bethlehem - love them!) and it takes me a while to get the legs warmed up and out of their discomfort zone. It felt like torture. At first I thought my energy was lagging, I certainly didn't eat enough, that's for sure! And then I realized I was huffing and puffing. Then I was gasping and it felt like I had a car on my chest. Apparently I was yet another victim to allergies. (And I can squash the no energy theory - my average time per mile was my best yet, even with my breathing struggles). If it happens again I guess a trip to my GP is in order.

I believe having 2 shakes a day makes me appreciate food more. I no longer have cravings for food, but I can really appreciate what I'm eating now and take the time to really taste it. No more gulping it down and then wondering if I even ate. Tonight I made Dirty Rice with Turkey Sausage and Red Beans from Clean Eating magazine.  Their recipes work so well with the Isagenix lifestyle.

Tomorrow ends my first full week on the 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System. Unless something major happens I won't post again until Wednesday - WEIGH IN DAY! Just like when I started, I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Stay tuned...


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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.