Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 16

Cleanse days. You'd think I'd hate them. I'm 50 pounds overweight so, I obviously enjoy food.  It's how I normally deal with good things, bad things, boring things, exciting things... you get the picture. I'm an emotional eater. But, there is something so soothing on a deep level about limiting what goes into my body. It also helps that the little that does go in is nutritious and occasionally involves chocolate!

These past two weeks I have really been enjoying my journey. The change that I think has had the biggest impact on me probably isn't what you'd think. It's not the weight release or the extra energy. It's not the sound sleeping. It's my mood.  After years of my mood being all over the place, I find that my temperament is now fairly even. In fact, I feel a sense of calm at all times. Don't get me wrong, I have a preteen and I'm pretty sure there is nothing out there to cure that ailment except time. But I find I can manage situations with a clear head.

This week I received distressing news (for me). After weeks of physical therapy with my leg ailment continuing to worsen, I've been ordered to not run for two weeks. I know most people think "Great! And excuse not to exercise!" But I truly enjoy running. I like how it makes me feel. I like that I have the ability to move as I want. And I really like running with my girls, the Sole Sisters! So to be told to take time off is distressing to me. But for once I'm going to heed advice and hope that the rest will make my muscles, tendons and ligaments a bit less angry so I can continue on again.  In the meantime I'll be on the bike, swimming and working on my yoga practice.

My next weigh/measure day is in two days and I'm hopeful I'll have great news to report.


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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.