Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27: Beware of Sabotage

It's been a week. Things are going well. Except for the pharmacy mix-up of my meds (that's another story!), I'm loving life!  But one thing I'm aware of as my energy remains high and I start to noticeably slim down is that sometimes others try to sabotage my efforts.

Nothing confirms that more than a holiday weekend. To be perfectly honest, I don't have any cravings for sugary, fatty or junky foods anymore. True story!! In the past I would occasionally have a diet soda as a "treat" but even imagining drinking an icy cold diet Pepsi or Coke evokes no yearnings. Making s;mores by the fire? Nope!  And I've let those around me know that not only do I want to live a healthy lifestyle, I have no desire to go back to what I was doing before. It obviously didn't work!

So why do my kids ask me, "Mom, want a bite of my cupcake?" "Have a piece of my candy!" My husband, "I'm running to the store. Want me to pick up a diet soda for you? It's a holiday weekend." My dad, "Just have one little bite. It won't hurt you." Yet it has hurt me in the past. One bite leads to two. Two to three. Then I spend a month bingeing.

I'm not saying these acts of sabotage are mindful or purposeful. Maybe people are just trying to be nice. I'd like to think I've raised my kids to share. My parents polite. But why is it when someone is eating healthfully that others feel the need to offer something less than nutritious? Do they feel I'm missing out and don't know it so their pointing it out to be helpful? As someone who eats healthfully, I can never imagine myself going up to someone and saying, "You're eating potato chips? Want a carrot?" "How about an IsaLean Bar instead of that apple pie? It's a holiday after all!" I would think that if anyone is entitled to interfere with another's eating habits it would be the healthy eater interfering with the junk food eater.

If you are reading this and you're on the road to health, your best bet is a plan of action. Because sometimes we are tempted. I'm fortunate enough that Isagenix affects me in such a way that I no longer crave those things that made my moods fluctuate and my weight soar. But if you have a hard time saying, "no", a plan is the way to go.

I'm gathering with my family this afternoon. They'll be enjoying their cookout (with organic, all-natural hot dogs and burgers on organic whole-wheat rolls). My plan? Garlic Tilapia with Wilted Greens and Blueberries.  What better way to pay tribute to the men and women who died securing freedom than to live the best possible life I can? It's time to celebrate the reason for the holiday, not the food.


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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.