Sunday, May 5, 2013

Days 4 and 5: Cleanse and beyond

Well, I did it. I survived a two-day cleanse. And truth be told, it went much better than I anticipated.

I woke up on the second day of the cleanse only slightly hungry. I had my most hunger pangs early in the morning on both days but once I got that first IsaDelight into me (remember, the little chocolate squares of joy infused with green tea? I know, I know, I had you at chocolate) I was able to manage the rest of the day. I was even able to cook dinner for the family without going insane. My mouth was watering a bit and I'll admit, by this time I was missing the art of chewing, but I knew I was so close to finishing Day 2 that it made the task less burdensome.

So what's the day after like? This morning I woke up tired but I'm thinking that has more to do with the fact I had two six-year-old girls giggling most of the night who then woke up before 7:00 than with the cleanse. I started off the same as Days 1 and 2 - Ionix and then shake. Church followed and no cravings for the foods offered at fellowship. When I arrived home I had a sudden urge to get on my bike and take a ride. I mean every ounce of my being seemed to be yearning to move. It was a weird sensation - being tired yet having energy.  I grabbed a Slim Cakes (blueberry oatmeal cookie...mmmmm) and organic apple and washed them down with 16 oz. water. Off I went.

Now if you had told me last week that I would (1) be doing a 2-day cleanse without much distress and (2) I would go on a 12-mile bike ride the day after said cleanse, I would have laughed in your face.

Folks, there is something to be said for good, clean nutrition! I find myself wondering, not even a week into the Isagenix lifestyle, why I didn't do this before. I wonder why everyone hasn't heard about it?  I know it's early and maybe I'm in the honeymoon phase so time will tell.

I'll be back tonight to update you on something that has been stressing me out for three days now. The mother/daughter buffet I'm about to attend at a facility that really isn't know for their nutrient-packed, healthy food choices. Let's just say, if you want to order a salad they're apt to ask, "Macaroni or Potato?"  Nervous as heck about what to eat (and not wanting to sit there eating nothing) I'll have to hope that I'm able to make some good choices. I hope I can leave my "fat girl" at home and let the "lean girl" lead the way.

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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.