Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 2

I must admit, the first half of this day wasn't the greatest. I did manage to get more sleep last night. Enjoyed my Ionix hot like a tea, did my yoga (boy, oh boy! do I have something going on with my right hip!), and whipped up a shake with a scoop of peanut butter in it as preparation for my run.

Now, if you know me, you know I really enjoy running. It is what saves me from whatever life throws at me. I don't run fast, I don't run pretty, but I can usually churn out several miles and enjoy every step. Let's just call it gratitude that I even have the ability to move so I do.  Plus I throw a couple of girlfriends into the mix so it's double the fun for me! Today, not so much.

I have been working through an injury and plantar faciitis for about 3 weeks now. This morning my lower leg was particularly angry causing me to walk quite a few times during our run. And I had zero energy. Nada. None. Which bummed me out because I few people I know on Isagenix started experiencing more energy on Day 1.

Some how I managed to complete the run in the same time frame as always but I was so ready for a nap and starving. I was supposed to swim and bike today, too, in preparation for my upcoming triathlon. Instead, I went home to sit on my couch, feel sorry for myself, and ate 1/2 an IsaLean bar (Chocolate Decadence, mmmmm). Shake for lunch. Sat on the couch some more. Took a shower. Sat on the couch.

Then at 3:00, like magic, I felt great!! My mood was exuberant  Not just up, not just happy. Outstanding! I felt like I could hug the whole world. I stood up. I think I'll do 20 minutes of strength training. Now, I'll clean the kitchen and get an early start on dinner. Oops! I missed my snack. Not hungry but I guess I'll eat 1/2 an IsaLean bar anyway so I don't eat too few calories. (not hungry? really??)  Play taxi driver. Finish making dinner. Decide to pack it picnic style for son's baseball game. And so on, and so on.  Here it was, the energy I had heard about from other users.

But, the best part? I did not have one single inkling of a headache today. The first time in 5 weeks. Blessings.

Tomorrow is my first cleanse day. I do anticipate a rough day since it is a cleanse. But I'm looking forward to getting all those toxins out of my system.


1 comment:

Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.