Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 10

If you're friends with me on Facebook, you already know the good news: 9.4 lbs GONE!! 12 inches went BYE-BYE!! All in one week. I am still amazed when I think about it. I have been on 1200 calorie diets before. All of them lasted only a few days before I would up my caloric intake to a more satisfying (i.e. not so hungry that I want to eat my arm off) level of 1500 or so. Not this time. In fact, on days I exercise and I am expected to up my caloric goal, I find I'm not that hungry. That's why I'm so amazed. How can it be so different this time?

The only thing that is really different is my nutrition. The Isagenix products I'm using are meant to help cleanse the cells/body of toxins which allow for better adsorption and utilization of nutrients. When those nutrients come from top-quality ingredients, the body can perform the way it's meant to. I'll admit, I was somewhat skeptical when I started. We've heard claims before, right? And while Isagenix is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition, I have to say that in my case it was the only variable that changed from past attempts to lose weight and get healthy.

I DO feel great! The alarm goes off in the morning and I no longer hit snooze for an hour. Even though my efforts to get to bed earlier haven't been quite successful, I'm getting less sleep than I like and still have energy. I have absolutely no cravings so far. Nada. I watch the kids eat fries and mozzarella sticks, I watch cooking shows (!) and I have no desire to grab a snack. My mood, too, has changed. I'm much less tense. In fact, I noticed that when faced with stressful situations in the past week I just deal with them and don't eat over them. Who am I?! I like this gal!

The kids have a shake in the morning now, too, before school. Half a shake for the 6-year-old (I'm sorry. The six-and-three-quarter-year-old - I stand corrected, honey!) and a full shake for the 11-year-old (he's not as sensitive about his age). Why half a shake for my daughter? We tried a full shake for her and she simply got too full.

Now I have to share that I finally found a product I don't care that much for! I had a friend over to try some of the products. She was curious about my success and wondered what everything tasted like. She enjoyed the vanilla shake and the milk chocolate IsaDelight.  Then I gave her an IsaLean bar in Chocolate Cream Crisp. "Not bad!" she exclaimed. So I tried it. Eh. Just okay. I just prefer the Chocolate Decadence, I guess.  My kids, however, raved over the Chocolate Cream Crisp. To the tune of, "Can we have another?"

The other new items I've tried are the Isa Lean bar in Lemon Passion Crunch (OMG This is the best one yet!!), Ageless Joint Support (this will take time to see any benefits), and Sleep Support & Renewal spray (nonaddictive sleep-aid. I gently fell asleep and slept like a rock with just one spray last night. They recommend up to sprays. I think I'm good!)

Next to try is the IsaLean Soup. I saw a recipe on the website for chili - I'm mad about chili, even in the summer. It uses the IsaLean Tomato Soup and I'm very curious to try it. Review coming soon!

Do something good for yourself today. You deserve it!


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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.