Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 20: Mourning

Today I lost an old friend from high school. He graduated one year after I did with my brother. He was always overweight but it didn't define him. He was kind, funny, goodhearted - an all around nice, likable guy. Dead of a heart attack at 42. So I mourn my high school friend, gone too soon.

But his passing solidifies my reasons for this journey into wellness. As far as I can tell, his was a preventable death. Life is so precious, I want to do all that is in my power to stay here on this Earth. And certainly good nutrition and exercise are part of it. Is the taste of McD's and donuts and fried chicken worth an early death? I used to think healthy eating was expensive but isn't a heart attack at 42 the ultimate price to pay? Is habitual overindulging worth not seeing your kids graduate or get married? Worth not meeting your grandchildren? Not to me. I'm glad I'm doing what I need to do to make it to the future I envision for me.

Which brings me to my second reason to "mourn", albeit in quite a different sense.

My lower right leg and ankle have been giving me trouble for the best 4 weeks. In fact, the pain has been getting worse and the physical therapist is having a tough time getting my muscles and joints to cooperate. So, I have been put on a running restriction for two weeks. It seems comical to me that this overweight gal likes running so much that it's like breathing to her. Especially because I used to hate running. I even failed gym in college because I refused to run a mile as part of the class. But somewhere along the road of my adult life, I started running and I didn't stop.

Now I've been stopped along the way before. Injuries have a way of derailing even the best of intentions. But I've always mourned the loss of my running time and this time is no exception. Running is simply freeing for me. It's an appreciation that I have been given the gift of movement and I refuse to take that for granted. So when I'm told I need to take a break from running, I mourn my loss. It's been a sad day.

Hopefully I'll be back on the trail soon. Until then I'll continue using my new bike, aiming for a minimum of 10 miles at a time and working up to reducing my time. I have a triathlon scheduled for June (my first!) which means I'll be in the pool, too. Keep your fingers crossed that I'm able to run by June 9. I don't like being sad and don't want to mourn the loss of my first tri, too.


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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.