Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 3: Cleanse

So many things to blog about today I don't know where to start. They say the beginning is always a good place, so I guess that's where I'll start.

I woke up later than normal this morning, allowing myself to "sleep in" until 6:45. My plan was to go to our local yoga studio, YogaMos, and work my practice there. When I got out of bed I actually felt "light" in mind and body. And actually in a good mood. This never happens - ask my kids!!

While I was a bit trepidacious about the cleanse (I mean it IS an entire two days of mostly liquids) I was willing to give it a try.  I read on a "tips and tricks" page to remember that thousands have gone through it before me and successful completed their two-day deep cleanse. It also advised to limit activity and enjoy the process of detoxifying.

My fears went unfounded. I had a really decent day! I opted to follow the hourly cleanse that is done by founder, John Anderson's, daughter, Kjersti Cote (pronounced Kirsty Coty). I felt that would best fit my lifestyle and personality. Because this is a cleanse and not a fast, I was still getting nutrition and I felt that getting it hourly would allow me to feel more satisfied. I have to say, I am in great spirits!! I'm almost joyous! It's amazing. And no headaches, which is worth so much to me...getting rid of the daily pain without a pill. Honestly, the only downside was I had to pee a bit more than usual.

One thing I noticed was my sense of smell seem to be heightened yet my cravings are virtually nonexistent;I simply don't yearn for the food. I must admit that going into Wegman's to get dinner for my daughter was a bit overwhelming. But, I was able to enjoy the smell of her dinner as she was eating it without feeling I had to actually taste it.  I can't explain it.  The entire process so far is surreal.

As for the Isagenix products, the Cleanse for Life powder tastes like a fruit drink. I enjoyed it both warm as a tea and room temperature as a juice.  And then there's the IsaDelights. These little squares of joy are the end all, be all. Green tea and antioxidant infused dark chocolate, I had four today (yes, it's allowed!) and thought I was in Heaven. Imagine having 2 or 3 cleansing teas and then eating a chocolate. Beautiful. The only thing I would like better is if there was a hint of heat to the chocolate. I love chocolate and chilies.

Whether or not tomorrow will prove the same is yet to be seen. Stay tuned...

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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.