Tuesday, April 30, 2013


It's here! It's here! My Isagenix products arrived today as promised and I couldn't be happier or more anxious.  I've been doing pretty good the past few days, choosing prep over splurge. I was a little concerned about how I would curb my snack habit once I start the plan. Going through the box today I see Isagenix offers plenty of alternatives - bars, snack "cakes", even green-tea infused chocolates! This is a "diet"? Oh wait, it's not. It's a health plan. An answer to a call to action that needs to be answered.

Let me tell you what I'm most interested in at this point.  I'm a really active girl. I run 3-6 miles, 3-4 days per week. I swim up to 1/2-mile two days a week and cycle 10+ miles 2 days per week. I recently started a daily yoga practice. Doing all this you'd think I'd be fit on the outside, right? But I'm not, I'm a good 30 pounds overweight and could really stand to lose a total of 40-50 pounds and that's what is REALLY frustrating! Even on a popular points-counting plan, I could only drop a few pounds over several months. My calories were good, my eating pretty clean. I keep thinking it's my medication. Who knows? If nothing else works long-term, can cellular cleansing be the answer? Superior nutrition in liquid form? The next 30 days will tell!

I'm also interested in the energy boost users report while using Isagenix. Some even feel the difference on Day 1! With the amount of exercising I do I should feel youthful and energetic... not in need of a nap at 3:00. I'm 43. I'd like to feel 23, not 63!

Will this be easy? Maybe. But I'm a realist and I expect there will be a few bumps in the road. For now, I'm heading off to bed to be a dreamer and dream of what tomorrow brings. A new beginning.

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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.