Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 27: Beware of Sabotage

It's been a week. Things are going well. Except for the pharmacy mix-up of my meds (that's another story!), I'm loving life!  But one thing I'm aware of as my energy remains high and I start to noticeably slim down is that sometimes others try to sabotage my efforts.

Nothing confirms that more than a holiday weekend. To be perfectly honest, I don't have any cravings for sugary, fatty or junky foods anymore. True story!! In the past I would occasionally have a diet soda as a "treat" but even imagining drinking an icy cold diet Pepsi or Coke evokes no yearnings. Making s;mores by the fire? Nope!  And I've let those around me know that not only do I want to live a healthy lifestyle, I have no desire to go back to what I was doing before. It obviously didn't work!

So why do my kids ask me, "Mom, want a bite of my cupcake?" "Have a piece of my candy!" My husband, "I'm running to the store. Want me to pick up a diet soda for you? It's a holiday weekend." My dad, "Just have one little bite. It won't hurt you." Yet it has hurt me in the past. One bite leads to two. Two to three. Then I spend a month bingeing.

I'm not saying these acts of sabotage are mindful or purposeful. Maybe people are just trying to be nice. I'd like to think I've raised my kids to share. My parents polite. But why is it when someone is eating healthfully that others feel the need to offer something less than nutritious? Do they feel I'm missing out and don't know it so their pointing it out to be helpful? As someone who eats healthfully, I can never imagine myself going up to someone and saying, "You're eating potato chips? Want a carrot?" "How about an IsaLean Bar instead of that apple pie? It's a holiday after all!" I would think that if anyone is entitled to interfere with another's eating habits it would be the healthy eater interfering with the junk food eater.

If you are reading this and you're on the road to health, your best bet is a plan of action. Because sometimes we are tempted. I'm fortunate enough that Isagenix affects me in such a way that I no longer crave those things that made my moods fluctuate and my weight soar. But if you have a hard time saying, "no", a plan is the way to go.

I'm gathering with my family this afternoon. They'll be enjoying their cookout (with organic, all-natural hot dogs and burgers on organic whole-wheat rolls). My plan? Garlic Tilapia with Wilted Greens and Blueberries.  What better way to pay tribute to the men and women who died securing freedom than to live the best possible life I can? It's time to celebrate the reason for the holiday, not the food.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 20: Mourning

Today I lost an old friend from high school. He graduated one year after I did with my brother. He was always overweight but it didn't define him. He was kind, funny, goodhearted - an all around nice, likable guy. Dead of a heart attack at 42. So I mourn my high school friend, gone too soon.

But his passing solidifies my reasons for this journey into wellness. As far as I can tell, his was a preventable death. Life is so precious, I want to do all that is in my power to stay here on this Earth. And certainly good nutrition and exercise are part of it. Is the taste of McD's and donuts and fried chicken worth an early death? I used to think healthy eating was expensive but isn't a heart attack at 42 the ultimate price to pay? Is habitual overindulging worth not seeing your kids graduate or get married? Worth not meeting your grandchildren? Not to me. I'm glad I'm doing what I need to do to make it to the future I envision for me.

Which brings me to my second reason to "mourn", albeit in quite a different sense.

My lower right leg and ankle have been giving me trouble for the best 4 weeks. In fact, the pain has been getting worse and the physical therapist is having a tough time getting my muscles and joints to cooperate. So, I have been put on a running restriction for two weeks. It seems comical to me that this overweight gal likes running so much that it's like breathing to her. Especially because I used to hate running. I even failed gym in college because I refused to run a mile as part of the class. But somewhere along the road of my adult life, I started running and I didn't stop.

Now I've been stopped along the way before. Injuries have a way of derailing even the best of intentions. But I've always mourned the loss of my running time and this time is no exception. Running is simply freeing for me. It's an appreciation that I have been given the gift of movement and I refuse to take that for granted. So when I'm told I need to take a break from running, I mourn my loss. It's been a sad day.

Hopefully I'll be back on the trail soon. Until then I'll continue using my new bike, aiming for a minimum of 10 miles at a time and working up to reducing my time. I have a triathlon scheduled for June (my first!) which means I'll be in the pool, too. Keep your fingers crossed that I'm able to run by June 9. I don't like being sad and don't want to mourn the loss of my first tri, too.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 16

Cleanse days. You'd think I'd hate them. I'm 50 pounds overweight so, I obviously enjoy food.  It's how I normally deal with good things, bad things, boring things, exciting things... you get the picture. I'm an emotional eater. But, there is something so soothing on a deep level about limiting what goes into my body. It also helps that the little that does go in is nutritious and occasionally involves chocolate!

These past two weeks I have really been enjoying my journey. The change that I think has had the biggest impact on me probably isn't what you'd think. It's not the weight release or the extra energy. It's not the sound sleeping. It's my mood.  After years of my mood being all over the place, I find that my temperament is now fairly even. In fact, I feel a sense of calm at all times. Don't get me wrong, I have a preteen and I'm pretty sure there is nothing out there to cure that ailment except time. But I find I can manage situations with a clear head.

This week I received distressing news (for me). After weeks of physical therapy with my leg ailment continuing to worsen, I've been ordered to not run for two weeks. I know most people think "Great! And excuse not to exercise!" But I truly enjoy running. I like how it makes me feel. I like that I have the ability to move as I want. And I really like running with my girls, the Sole Sisters! So to be told to take time off is distressing to me. But for once I'm going to heed advice and hope that the rest will make my muscles, tendons and ligaments a bit less angry so I can continue on again.  In the meantime I'll be on the bike, swimming and working on my yoga practice.

My next weigh/measure day is in two days and I'm hopeful I'll have great news to report.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 11 and 12: What's going on?

Settle in - she's a long one!

I no sooner write in my last post how I seem not to be hungry, when I start to get hungry. Really hungry. Ravenous. It's Friday late afternoon and I can't figure out what's going on. I skipped my usual Friday workout to finish Mother's Day favors for church that I've left for the last minute, so it can't be that I haven't replenished energy spent. I'm baffled and try to ignore that I'm hungry. Grrrrr.

My IsaLean Savory Tomato Soup Mix has arrived!! Someone else had warned me that there's not much taste. I'll admit, I haven't tried it on it's own but used it to make chili Friday night. We loved it!! The recipe said it made 4 servings but it easily made 8 healthy-sized portions. The chili seems to keep me full which makes me happy. No one wants to feel hungry...that's dieting and that's not what I'm doing! I'm reclaiming my health through good nutrition. Losing weight is my prize.

By the time I go to bed I'm feeling ravenous again. What the heck?! I go to bed early in anticipation in my first 5K in goodness knows how long. I'm kind of nervous. That part of my brain that keeps me down and says, "You can't do it." is pretty active and tries to keep me up and convince me not to go in the morning. I fall asleep.

Saturday morning the doubter in me is pretty strong. My leg does ache, the one I've been going to physical therapy for but the part of me that wants to live a healthy, active lifestyle is stronger than the doubter. And then my "Aha!" moment. Now the hunger and tiredness make sense. Hello, Aunt Flo. How nice of you to show up unannounced this morning! Apparently, I've been feeling the need for extra calories because it's that lovely time of the month. I never keep track on a calendar or anything like that. I always know when it's time. I have cravings galore and I'm the bitchiest person on the planet. But since on Isagenix I haven't had cravings or mood swings so there were no signs. Interesting!

I feel like crap at the race. Full of doubt, lacking energy, and in pain. I do my best to mobilize the joints that give me problems and start the race with a fairly pronounced limp. By Mile 1 the limp seems to be subsiding (or I'm getting used to the pain). The timer tells me I've reached Mile 1 at 11:44. I think he has it wrong. If I hadn't said it before, I'll say it now. I am NOT fast! My nickname is Turtle. There is a reason for this. But I do like to run, so I do...even though I'm slow.

I'm enjoying the course, a residential area with gently rolling hills. It's in the 50's and overcast, perfect for running.  There are a ton of kids. I cheer them on. At mile 2 the timer tells me I'm at 22:04. Obviously this guy has some Bailey's in his coffee. I've calculated it will take me 26 minutes to hit 2 miles! By 2 1/2 miles I'm feeling spent. If that timer guy is right, then I went out too fast. Not impossible, but I've done a ton of races in my lifetime and know better. I'm still anticipating finishing around 39:00.

The voice in my head that says "I can't", "Just walk" and "Back down" shows up often and is very persistent.  If you run by me, you'll probably hear me mutter, "Shut up" and "I've got this". I do not walk and press on. At mile 3 I have nothing to give finish the final 0.1 mile faster than my current pace. Until I see my husband and daughter. I pick up speed and cross the finish at 36:28 - 2 1/2 minutes faster than I've ever run in my 40's! I'm proud of myself and limp to the runner's buffet to get my daughter some of the brownies, soft pretzels and other goodies they have out. Me? I enjoy a Want More Energy and IsaLean shake. Heaven.

I spend most of the rest of the day battling the hungries but I stay true to my Isagenix program. I need to be better prepared next month. I'm not craving any one thing in particular but I feel like I could eat everything in an attempt to identify if there is something that *would* satisfy me. This feeling carried into today. Which was dangerous because it's Mother's Day and we're heading to a buffet.

Yes, the same buffet I was at last weekend. The choices are somewhat better but not by much. My choices include a huge plate of peel n' eat shrimp followed by a huge plate of turkey breast and plain salad. I was full and the only person at the table who didn't stuff her/himself. I had told someone else this week that going out to eat for a celebration was about celebrating people, not the food and I took that to heart today.  I used my time to enjoy spending time with my mom and kids. The desserts didn't look appetizing to me which made them very easy to pass up. I treated myself to an IsaDelight when I got home.

And then I took a nap. Apparently even Isagenix can't beat out all the tryptophan in a humongous plate of turkey!  I'm looking forward to getting back to my regular routine tomorrow.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 10

If you're friends with me on Facebook, you already know the good news: 9.4 lbs GONE!! 12 inches went BYE-BYE!! All in one week. I am still amazed when I think about it. I have been on 1200 calorie diets before. All of them lasted only a few days before I would up my caloric intake to a more satisfying (i.e. not so hungry that I want to eat my arm off) level of 1500 or so. Not this time. In fact, on days I exercise and I am expected to up my caloric goal, I find I'm not that hungry. That's why I'm so amazed. How can it be so different this time?

The only thing that is really different is my nutrition. The Isagenix products I'm using are meant to help cleanse the cells/body of toxins which allow for better adsorption and utilization of nutrients. When those nutrients come from top-quality ingredients, the body can perform the way it's meant to. I'll admit, I was somewhat skeptical when I started. We've heard claims before, right? And while Isagenix is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition, I have to say that in my case it was the only variable that changed from past attempts to lose weight and get healthy.

I DO feel great! The alarm goes off in the morning and I no longer hit snooze for an hour. Even though my efforts to get to bed earlier haven't been quite successful, I'm getting less sleep than I like and still have energy. I have absolutely no cravings so far. Nada. I watch the kids eat fries and mozzarella sticks, I watch cooking shows (!) and I have no desire to grab a snack. My mood, too, has changed. I'm much less tense. In fact, I noticed that when faced with stressful situations in the past week I just deal with them and don't eat over them. Who am I?! I like this gal!

The kids have a shake in the morning now, too, before school. Half a shake for the 6-year-old (I'm sorry. The six-and-three-quarter-year-old - I stand corrected, honey!) and a full shake for the 11-year-old (he's not as sensitive about his age). Why half a shake for my daughter? We tried a full shake for her and she simply got too full.

Now I have to share that I finally found a product I don't care that much for! I had a friend over to try some of the products. She was curious about my success and wondered what everything tasted like. She enjoyed the vanilla shake and the milk chocolate IsaDelight.  Then I gave her an IsaLean bar in Chocolate Cream Crisp. "Not bad!" she exclaimed. So I tried it. Eh. Just okay. I just prefer the Chocolate Decadence, I guess.  My kids, however, raved over the Chocolate Cream Crisp. To the tune of, "Can we have another?"

The other new items I've tried are the Isa Lean bar in Lemon Passion Crunch (OMG This is the best one yet!!), Ageless Joint Support (this will take time to see any benefits), and Sleep Support & Renewal spray (nonaddictive sleep-aid. I gently fell asleep and slept like a rock with just one spray last night. They recommend up to sprays. I think I'm good!)

Next to try is the IsaLean Soup. I saw a recipe on the website for chili - I'm mad about chili, even in the summer. It uses the IsaLean Tomato Soup and I'm very curious to try it. Review coming soon!

Do something good for yourself today. You deserve it!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 6: Going strong

Day 6...but I digress. Let's go back to the end of Day 5.

If you recall I had a buffet to go to. And one that is notorious for serving less-than healthy fare. There really were no choices that I was thrilled about. Considering I put all that work into 2-days of cleansing, I certainly felt no guilt about being picky about my choices. I ended up with a chicken thigh (skin removed), 1/4 of a baked potato that had been dressed (unfortunately) with plenty of butter, a large portion of overcooked green beans and half my plate filled with iceberg lettuce "salad" and a dollop of bleu cheese dressing (the other choices were full-fat ranch and french so I figured I might as well enjoy the taste).  I gave my cake to my daughter and didn't miss eating it at all. Most importantly  I got to spend time with my beautiful 6-year-old and putting the focus on her instead of the food helped a lot!

When I got home I was bloated and the throbbing in my head I had experienced the past 5 weeks and had just gotten rid of? Back with a vengeance! Here's what I think is the cool part...I had 1/2 of an IsaLean Bar with 16 oz. of water 2 hours after the event and my quieted down and by bedtime my tummy was feeling much better.

Okay, today! Started off the day with a level 1-2 yoga class which was perfect for me. Healthy eating and yoga go together so well.  We learned headstand prep and I got to actually do a headstand (with some help). I haven't done a headstand since I was 12!  I followed yoga with a 5K run. This didn't go so well. I had an IsaLean shake with almonds before yoga and then 1/2 an IsaLean bar before running. I've been going to physical therapy for a while now to help with my legs (Shout out: Robbins PT in Bethlehem - love them!) and it takes me a while to get the legs warmed up and out of their discomfort zone. It felt like torture. At first I thought my energy was lagging, I certainly didn't eat enough, that's for sure! And then I realized I was huffing and puffing. Then I was gasping and it felt like I had a car on my chest. Apparently I was yet another victim to allergies. (And I can squash the no energy theory - my average time per mile was my best yet, even with my breathing struggles). If it happens again I guess a trip to my GP is in order.

I believe having 2 shakes a day makes me appreciate food more. I no longer have cravings for food, but I can really appreciate what I'm eating now and take the time to really taste it. No more gulping it down and then wondering if I even ate. Tonight I made Dirty Rice with Turkey Sausage and Red Beans from Clean Eating magazine.  Their recipes work so well with the Isagenix lifestyle.

Tomorrow ends my first full week on the 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System. Unless something major happens I won't post again until Wednesday - WEIGH IN DAY! Just like when I started, I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Stay tuned...


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Days 4 and 5: Cleanse and beyond

Well, I did it. I survived a two-day cleanse. And truth be told, it went much better than I anticipated.

I woke up on the second day of the cleanse only slightly hungry. I had my most hunger pangs early in the morning on both days but once I got that first IsaDelight into me (remember, the little chocolate squares of joy infused with green tea? I know, I know, I had you at chocolate) I was able to manage the rest of the day. I was even able to cook dinner for the family without going insane. My mouth was watering a bit and I'll admit, by this time I was missing the art of chewing, but I knew I was so close to finishing Day 2 that it made the task less burdensome.

So what's the day after like? This morning I woke up tired but I'm thinking that has more to do with the fact I had two six-year-old girls giggling most of the night who then woke up before 7:00 than with the cleanse. I started off the same as Days 1 and 2 - Ionix and then shake. Church followed and no cravings for the foods offered at fellowship. When I arrived home I had a sudden urge to get on my bike and take a ride. I mean every ounce of my being seemed to be yearning to move. It was a weird sensation - being tired yet having energy.  I grabbed a Slim Cakes (blueberry oatmeal cookie...mmmmm) and organic apple and washed them down with 16 oz. water. Off I went.

Now if you had told me last week that I would (1) be doing a 2-day cleanse without much distress and (2) I would go on a 12-mile bike ride the day after said cleanse, I would have laughed in your face.

Folks, there is something to be said for good, clean nutrition! I find myself wondering, not even a week into the Isagenix lifestyle, why I didn't do this before. I wonder why everyone hasn't heard about it?  I know it's early and maybe I'm in the honeymoon phase so time will tell.

I'll be back tonight to update you on something that has been stressing me out for three days now. The mother/daughter buffet I'm about to attend at a facility that really isn't know for their nutrient-packed, healthy food choices. Let's just say, if you want to order a salad they're apt to ask, "Macaroni or Potato?"  Nervous as heck about what to eat (and not wanting to sit there eating nothing) I'll have to hope that I'm able to make some good choices. I hope I can leave my "fat girl" at home and let the "lean girl" lead the way.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 3: Cleanse

So many things to blog about today I don't know where to start. They say the beginning is always a good place, so I guess that's where I'll start.

I woke up later than normal this morning, allowing myself to "sleep in" until 6:45. My plan was to go to our local yoga studio, YogaMos, and work my practice there. When I got out of bed I actually felt "light" in mind and body. And actually in a good mood. This never happens - ask my kids!!

While I was a bit trepidacious about the cleanse (I mean it IS an entire two days of mostly liquids) I was willing to give it a try.  I read on a "tips and tricks" page to remember that thousands have gone through it before me and successful completed their two-day deep cleanse. It also advised to limit activity and enjoy the process of detoxifying.

My fears went unfounded. I had a really decent day! I opted to follow the hourly cleanse that is done by founder, John Anderson's, daughter, Kjersti Cote (pronounced Kirsty Coty). I felt that would best fit my lifestyle and personality. Because this is a cleanse and not a fast, I was still getting nutrition and I felt that getting it hourly would allow me to feel more satisfied. I have to say, I am in great spirits!! I'm almost joyous! It's amazing. And no headaches, which is worth so much to me...getting rid of the daily pain without a pill. Honestly, the only downside was I had to pee a bit more than usual.

One thing I noticed was my sense of smell seem to be heightened yet my cravings are virtually nonexistent;I simply don't yearn for the food. I must admit that going into Wegman's to get dinner for my daughter was a bit overwhelming. But, I was able to enjoy the smell of her dinner as she was eating it without feeling I had to actually taste it.  I can't explain it.  The entire process so far is surreal.

As for the Isagenix products, the Cleanse for Life powder tastes like a fruit drink. I enjoyed it both warm as a tea and room temperature as a juice.  And then there's the IsaDelights. These little squares of joy are the end all, be all. Green tea and antioxidant infused dark chocolate, I had four today (yes, it's allowed!) and thought I was in Heaven. Imagine having 2 or 3 cleansing teas and then eating a chocolate. Beautiful. The only thing I would like better is if there was a hint of heat to the chocolate. I love chocolate and chilies.

Whether or not tomorrow will prove the same is yet to be seen. Stay tuned...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 2

I must admit, the first half of this day wasn't the greatest. I did manage to get more sleep last night. Enjoyed my Ionix hot like a tea, did my yoga (boy, oh boy! do I have something going on with my right hip!), and whipped up a shake with a scoop of peanut butter in it as preparation for my run.

Now, if you know me, you know I really enjoy running. It is what saves me from whatever life throws at me. I don't run fast, I don't run pretty, but I can usually churn out several miles and enjoy every step. Let's just call it gratitude that I even have the ability to move so I do.  Plus I throw a couple of girlfriends into the mix so it's double the fun for me! Today, not so much.

I have been working through an injury and plantar faciitis for about 3 weeks now. This morning my lower leg was particularly angry causing me to walk quite a few times during our run. And I had zero energy. Nada. None. Which bummed me out because I few people I know on Isagenix started experiencing more energy on Day 1.

Some how I managed to complete the run in the same time frame as always but I was so ready for a nap and starving. I was supposed to swim and bike today, too, in preparation for my upcoming triathlon. Instead, I went home to sit on my couch, feel sorry for myself, and ate 1/2 an IsaLean bar (Chocolate Decadence, mmmmm). Shake for lunch. Sat on the couch some more. Took a shower. Sat on the couch.

Then at 3:00, like magic, I felt great!! My mood was exuberant  Not just up, not just happy. Outstanding! I felt like I could hug the whole world. I stood up. I think I'll do 20 minutes of strength training. Now, I'll clean the kitchen and get an early start on dinner. Oops! I missed my snack. Not hungry but I guess I'll eat 1/2 an IsaLean bar anyway so I don't eat too few calories. (not hungry? really??)  Play taxi driver. Finish making dinner. Decide to pack it picnic style for son's baseball game. And so on, and so on.  Here it was, the energy I had heard about from other users.

But, the best part? I did not have one single inkling of a headache today. The first time in 5 weeks. Blessings.

Tomorrow is my first cleanse day. I do anticipate a rough day since it is a cleanse. But I'm looking forward to getting all those toxins out of my system.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 1

Part of my journey includes healthy living outside of nutrition. Two of the goals I set for myself are getting to bed by ten o'clock to get 8 hours sleep and getting up early to do at least 20 minutes of yoga every morning.  Anxious about starting today, I went to bed at 11:30 and got up at 5:45. I get an "A" for effort, right?

Here's a look at my first day:

6:30 a.m. - 1 serving of Ionix Supreme (called Super Mommy Wonder Juice by those of the plan!), 16 oz. water

7:00 a.m. - 20 min. yoga

8:15 a.m. - IsaLean Shake in Chocolate (love it! not too sweet, smooth chocolate flavor), 1 Natural Accelerator capsule, vitamins

11:00 a.m - 1 Slim Cakes, 16 oz. water (yummy! Like a homemade blueberry cookie! Wanted to have this around 10:30 but I was a physical therapy late)

1:00 p.m. - IsaLean Shake in Vanilla (it's hard to give an actual review of this.  I blended it up with too much ice and when I went to thin it out the top of my water pitcher fell off and I ended up with an additional cup or so of water in the shake.  It was good, just very watered down due to my mistake. Tasted almost like eggnog to me but I'll let you know tomorrow when I mix it correctly!); 16 oz. water

3:30 p.m. - 2 Isagenix Snacks; 1 Natural Accelerator; 16 oz. water (it's hard to describe the snacks. They're chocolately wafers that you chew to help ward off cravings. I don't have anything to really compare them to. I liked them, though!)

7:00 p.m. - DINNER!! This is where I eat a clean meal of 400-600 calories. We had Chicken Pomodoro with Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta and some melon for dessert. I was famished! Waiting 3 1/2 hours for dinner was ridiculous (bad planning and a late baseball practice). Lesson: plan better tomorrow

Now, my energy was lagging all day. Not horrible, but not superwoman either. Actually, it was probably more like normal. However, I didn't get that much sleep (see above) and I cut out coffee cold-turkey. Probably not the *best* idea but lowering the pH in your body is reported to have health benefits. We'll see where my priorities lie with that one. Love me my coffee!!

I also had a headache all day. Before you say, "Aha! It's that stuff she's using." or "She's not eating enough!" I'd like to mention that I've had all-day headaches everyday for the last 5 weeks. So the headache today is either the norm, lack of sleep, or quitting coffee. Only time will tell.

All in all I would say I had a great first day. I was hungry at times, but not ravenous, and I really liked what I was putting into my body.  I'm not really going to judge until I have a full week under my belt and even then, I'm committed to this for a full 30 days. Anxious and curious to see how my run, swim and bike goes tomorrow while following the above schedule.
