Saturday, April 27, 2013

Splurge or Prep?

I decided that I'm taking this journey with a company called Isagenix. I love the science behind their products and that they don't use any artificial ingredients or chemicals. In fact, the whole premise around their systems is to detoxify so you can lose weight, have more energy, perform better, age gracefully...all the things I'm looking to accomplish.

I received notice yesterday that my products will arrive Tuesday. Yippee!! I'm really anxious to start. The website gives instructions for prepping before your system arrives (I chose the 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System that comes in the Pacesetters Pak. For more info on products and systems go to I printed out some worksheets, started making a grocery list of healthy foods to keep in the house, and began limiting my caffeine intake. Then I went to McDonald's for a Grilled Chicken Wrap, fries, diet Coke (still kills me that I bother with diet soda when I'm putting all the other crap in me), and rounded it out with a Caramel Sundae...with peanuts. Why not? Might as well do it now while I can, right?

When you make a decision to lose weight, do you start right then and there? Or do you pick a start date (say, this Tuesday) and then splurge so you can go out of your old lifestyle with a "bang"? Regardless of which you do, what is your motivation for your choice?

*Sigh* I know I have a lot of work to do here! It goes well beyond good nutrition and exercise. It's my belief that many of us need to take a good hard look at what's going on in our brains as well as into our stomachs. During this journey it's my hope to examine why I choose to put processed garbage into me. I know last night I just didn't feel like making anything. I wanted food quick. I wanted it now. I don't even think I enjoyed it that much.  I've heard Isagenix products help with cravings. Fingers crossed here (and toes). I really want this. I mean, last night's meal equals running about 9 miles. Ouch!

How do you sabotage your efforts? Mindless munching at night? Sugary snack at 3:00 pm? Thinking a plate of nachos is a good way to reward yourself for a job well done? Please let me know I'm not the only one with good intentions. That proverbial path leads straight to Hell, they say. Don't want to be there alone :)


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Please be gentle and kind. There's enough meanness in this world; I don't need it here. I plan to be honest with my accounts which means I'm leaving myself vulnerable. I expect you to respect that. Thank you.