Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 66: High on Life

First an apology - I seem to be slacking quite a bit in the blogging department. Now that summer is in full swing, so am I with kids, camps, working out, pool time... It can exhaust a person just thinking about it!  And while I've "written" several pages in my head, nothing has actually made it to you, dear reader.

So again, I'll play catch up: Even though I'm still not back to running, I participated in the Tex Mex 5K on July 26 in North Wales.  This is an absolutely, positively, hands-down, must do race!! I thought I would most likely walk or run/walk it since I hadn't run one lick since the June 9 triathlon and one or two run/walk training sessions with my Sole Sisters group. Of course, you know me by now and have realized I ran the entire thing. It poured which made the race much more bearable than in previous years. Normally it feels like 96 degrees and stifling hot.  So, the rain was more than welcome! I finished in 36 minutes, just a few seconds off my last race pace. My leg felt like it was going to break in half but I was pleased that could run the whole course. And why is this a must do race? Mexican food and margaritas at the finish line! Plus it's a great excuse for a girls' night out. There were 7 of us and had a blast!

With running out of play I've been concentrating more on biking. Dare I say I've found a new love? I tackle long rides every weekend, usually one solo and one with the hubby. I enjoy seeing new places and it's much easier on a bike since you can go farther than running (well, unless you're training for a marathon). Because I've been enjoying myself so much, I invested in bike shoes and cleats.  Trust me when I say, it only takes a few falls, bruises and scrapes before you remember to unclip at a stop!  Never before (even in previous "fit" modes throughout my life) could I imagine coaxing my athletic husband into 30 mile rides as something fun to do instead of simply going out to eat. This energy is beyond amazing.  Most days I feel like I'm high but I haven't had any illegal mood enhancers - just great nutrition. Who knew?

When it was time for my Day 60 results, I must admit I was a bit nervous.  I still have that voice that tells me I'll either always be fat or Isagenix will stop working for me. In fact, when I got on the scale I'll admit I was disappointed at the number - down a total of 21.8 pounds. Not bad but if I go by how I feel I would have thought that loss would be much greater.  Then I did my inches: 32.25 inches released. What? That's huge!! And it hit me - ditch the scale!!

As a society, we're so stuck on that scale number. There has been many days where my mood has been dependent on what that number is. Isn't that ridiculous? When I went into Athleta last week to get some new workout duds and could buy a size 12 right from the rack - something I wasn't able to do for over 3 years - I knew it was the scale that was the liar. Somewhere in our brains we know that muscle weighs more than fat and if we preserve muscle and lose fat then that scale number won't move much. So why do we still go by the scale?! Crazy!!

Other markers of success over 60 days include reducing overall body fat by 6.5% and lowering my BMI by 3.4 points. Plus, I sleep better than ever and have ENERGY!! I swear if I didn't release another pound or inch I would be satisfied so long as I keep the energy! I feel like I'm finally living my life, really participating in it, as opposed to just going along for the ride.

And now, a leap of faith. The visual results of my 60 day journey:

I think I"m most pleased with losing my back fat. Abhor back fat!!  Can't wait to see Day 90!
